What is 'Time'?

Time is measured by man. From the beginning was measured naturally. The 'day time' was when the sun shone and the 'night time' was when the moon and stars shone.
Hebrew "day" - sundown to sundown. This can be a problem the further south, or north, that you go.

Trevor in Tuk , summer, 24 hours of daylight, no nights.
This would pose a problem for any Hebrews travelling north. When to begin their Seventh day Sabbath worship and when to end it when the sun doesn't set for months in the summer and nights of darkness are months long in the winter.
Enter the 24 hour day and night. Why do we count a day from midnight to midnight instead of dusk to dusk?
This would pose a problem for any Hebrews travelling north. When to begin their Seventh day Sabbath worship and when to end it when the sun doesn't set for months in the summer and nights of darkness are months long in the winter.
Enter the 24 hour day and night. Why do we count a day from midnight to midnight instead of dusk to dusk?
When did man begin to measure time in 12 hour segments?
Why do our days start at Midnight and not sundown like the Hebrews?

In ancient Egypt sundials were used to measure time. The shadow on the face of a sundial told the time, and the shadow depended on where the sun was in the sky.
When the sun is highest overhead and the shadow goes straight up to the top of the sundial, that's noon or 'mid-day. This was
As the sun moves the shadow moves, until sunset when the shadow disappears.
The Egyptians created a way for them to measure time when there was no shadow. The highest point of the day was noon, 'mid-day'. The opposite was 'mid-night', that was when the 12 started over again, so that's why the day starts at midnight.
When the sun is highest overhead and the shadow goes straight up to the top of the sundial, that's noon or 'mid-day. This was
As the sun moves the shadow moves, until sunset when the shadow disappears.
The Egyptians created a way for them to measure time when there was no shadow. The highest point of the day was noon, 'mid-day'. The opposite was 'mid-night', that was when the 12 started over again, so that's why the day starts at midnight.
God introduced the 'day' in Genesis as a measure of time. How long was a day to God?
Alma 40:8 "all is as one day with God, and time only is measured unto men." [add image]
Genesis 1:5 "And God called the light "Day", and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were "the first day"." [Light = Day] [evening and morning = the first day].
Genesis 2:4 "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, "in the day" that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens," [God refers to the entire creation as taking place in only a "day" in His reckoning of Time.
Alma 40:8 "all is as one day with God, and time only is measured unto men." [add image]
Genesis 1:5 "And God called the light "Day", and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were "the first day"." [Light = Day] [evening and morning = the first day].
Genesis 2:4 "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, "in the day" that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens," [God refers to the entire creation as taking place in only a "day" in His reckoning of Time.
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<> Genesis 1:1 - Hebrew and Christ revealed <> Lost in the Translation?
<> Genesis 1:1 - Hebrew and Christ revealed <> Lost in the Translation?
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